Just go a hold of a Spektra from a trade and had a go with it yesterday. Starting at 7v the machine begins getting loud. At 9v this machine was really loud. From 10v on, it sounds like a pissed off bumblebee (not the transformer btw). After playing around with it at work, I started checking other ppl's reviews of it just to see if I was alone or not. The machine being very quiet is something that seems pretty across the board from reviews. So I did a follow-up with the machine today and serviced it. When my bishop got loud, I relubed it and now it is whisper quiet (i was hoping the spektra would have the same result). I dismantled, lubed, and put it back together. Just as loud as before. Swapped the 4mm cam with a 3.2mm one just to rule out stroke length, it was just as loud. Took it apart and re-serviced it a second time. I put a a larger quantity of Super lube grease than I did the first time round in case I didn't have enough. Still loud. Put a little Super lube oil on top of the grease that was previously applied in hopes that would help. Sound-wise, it did not.
Seriously, at 10v, it is almost as loud as a coil machine. The superlube DID however loosen the give system to actually let the a-bar to break loose and move some.
Which brings me to another issue... has anyone else had an issue with the a-bar not moving very easily in the slide? Is there a break-in period for this feature to work smoothly?

Any thoughts? Am I missing something? I'm not enjoying this machine as much as I had hoped I would. Hopefully it is an easy fix because I really like everything else about it.