I just bought a new coil liner off of a local builder here in NZ, but I can't get it to run properly. For starters, I generally have to flick the a bar to get it started, and then if I touch the nipple with any kind of pressure, it stops completely rather than bogging down. If I do this a couple of times, I won't run for a few minutes. While it is running though, it runs very strong and fast, about 150hz, but at around 70% duty. I also left it running yesterday to see what would happen, it ran solidly for 12 minutes before kinda fizzling out, and then I was unable to start it for a few minutes.

I'm going to have to send it back to the builder, but I'd love to hear what you guys think is wrong with it. I have tried it on four different power supplies, with the same or worse results. All input is much appreciated