I mean... if they are going through the whole process of making it.. at least try to make the shape a bit different.. the spring "tower" could have been round instead of square-shaped.. and put the clip cord and rca on each side of the machine, and a nice coating on the body, instead of that exact Nedz styled aluminium coloured.. and another vice on it.. Huge difference!... no one wouldn't even bothered making a comment on it being a rip off..
People this fucking stupid makes me lose even more hope in humanity..
-heey but its just a tattoo machine!!
But, "Heeyy".. fuck off! It's the principal of doing it! Ass blood!!

You know what this is like!??.. This is exactly like when you see a car in GTA and you're like, -Whoa! it's a Porche!!..uhh?.. no.. wait... it's a.. "Comet"..!?