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    Knows Whats Up! skinmech's Avatar
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    RW MKII Springer Review...With a Difference..

    Ok, so I got my RW MKII Springer a few weeks back, this is the Production Model, so it’s the one that is now available direct from Dale ....
    I only run “no give” Rotaries, RW, Old Timer, Blitz....I am a long time user and lover of the OG Springer, because, ironically, it hits like a “no give” Machine when needed..

    So, I got this about 2 weeks back and decided to use it on every tattoo I was working on ...I Lined with it, Shaded, Packed and carried out B&G and even tried some Dot work...If I am being honest, I tried to find a fault with it, remember this, as I will come back to it...Or at least a weakness, because the price suggests a low end Machine. So for a change, I decided to look for negatives..
    It comes with two Springs, a Soft and a Hard, and they are colour coded, and take 15 secs to change over, simply, undo the thumb screw on the shaft, slacken off and remove the adjuster screw, pop out the spring, and change over, replace the adjuster screw, and tighten the thumb screw..It really is as simple as that..

    So, remember, I was trying to be objective, and find any issues, as I know Dale prefers to tackle a problem, than to have a pat on the back...So, I kept the Soft spring in, and decided to Line with a Tight7RL...I kept the adjuster tightened down...And I was disappointed, as it worked like a treat, the 3.5mm stroke meant I could line the way I like with a nice “hang”..So, not to be out done, I changed over to a curved 13mag, and opened the adjuster a quarter turn... “There is at least two full turns on the adjuster, so the range of give is pretty extensive”...It ran the mag without any issues, as I said, I prefer hard hitting “no give” machines, so some people would prefer to open up the adjuster another quarter turn...
    So on my quest to find a flaw in this build I decided to change over to the Hard spring...I always line with Coils, so, I tightened down the adjuster, then cracked it open half a turn, just to get some “bounce”...I loaded up a 9RL, and it really lined without a problem, I had to slow my handspeed just a touch, it runs faster than a Cranker, so you might have an idea what I mean...
    I then ran it, with the Hard spring for some B&G, I ran it with just 2mm of “needle” and worked off the tube tip, was almost effortless, but, IMO fast hand is needed....

    I ran both Hard and Soft springs for Shading/Blending and tbh, your preference will dictate what spring you prefer, the Soft spring “compressed”, is like the Hard spring “fully opened”, so basically, both springs complement each other....

    I kept the Hard spring in for some Dot work, adjuster tightened all the way down, and “in and out” you can hear it bogging down and that is your “signal” that it is time to move on to the next dot..

    I am from Coils, so I love the weight, it is nicely balanced, and the Brass absorbs any vibrations..I honestly can’t find any issues worth mentioning, and is it better than the OG Springer...I will reserve judgement, as I still love the OG Springer....Is the MKII worth the money, LOL, FUK YEAH.

    If this was £75/$100 more expensive, it would still be Great Value for Money..

    I intentionally left out the Volts I ran the Machine at, simply because, this is just a Review, not an Instruction Guide, I am sure you will all understand...I am happy to provide specifics, Please feel free to PM me....
    Last edited by skinmech; 01-20-2014 at 01:58 PM.

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