Also cheyenne they dont tattoo same goes for inkmachines both was at the fore front of the rotary explosion and could say without them perhaps we still would be all using coils.. so that excuse of i dont buy from a non tattooing company is crap. The same goes with carts and all the other gadgets we use today buying from only tattooist run companies will put you back in the dark ages.. not only that some people get ideas same time as others and they live thousands of miles apart, so a magnetic rotary could have been made years ago way before john clark thought about it making one but because it was before bullshit interweb knowone ever gets to see it. What makes me laugh is how many machines are just the same, every slide machine is the same, same goes with the dragonfly look machines, now the magi is a hawk without the front cap hiding the cam, people copy world wide. You can make a dd with a flite cam for £30 if you have the right tools piss easy and it works just as good as a £400 rotary. This proves my point the whole thing so far is a flite v2 2.5 and 4 cam with my modded push/real give bars the feathers on the chest are a dd i made with a old hawk 2.5 cam cost me £10 to make including the motor.
The only difference is had to go darker because its a cover up

But as my mentor once sead to me there isnt a golden machine out there that puts it in the skin perfect every time so dont bother looking, as he pointed to a drawfull of machines.. if it uses the same motor it will probally tattoo the same as all the rest with the same motor. Maybe the name might help you in your mind or the sponsored artist you saw using it.. 9 times out of 10 its because you are good at art/copying nothing more..

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