I hate to admit to you folks......but that company and I went way back, back to when their catalog was about 8 pages long. Then with every new catalog they printed after that, had one of my machine designs on the front cover. I haven't seen their last catalog, but they had become books that must cost them $15 or more to print each.....getting warmer?
The same company that I made these parts for, worked out the details for, designed and gave to them for nada....just because I was making their stuff and if I could continue to make their stuff.....I would have a good continuing customer.
Silly me......always believing in people.....
The same grips I have talked about....I made in the tens of thousands for them. This was my "bread and butter" job. Well, they just stopped ordering them. Now they could never keep track of their purchasing, so I would just run them and stock pile the grips at my place.....again good customer and it is easier for me to do a thousand versus 100. So when they would call to place the order....I would have them on hand and ready to ship.

I don't hear from them for some time....and knowing their sales better than they do..... I expected to have sold them more by now.
So I call em...they say "oh,business is slow" Ok, I can buy that. But now it is going on a few months and still no grips, but they have an order for parts of one machine that I am still making for them.
So it's time to make the delivery and I'm like family to most of the guys and gals there, so I would always just walk in and proceed behind the counter, say hi on my way thru. I'm carrying the first box of parts and pass by the isle where the grips are.....and behold, thousands of grips that are not mine! At this same time, the purchaser catches a glimse of me and darts around the corner to avoid me.
I set the box down on a receiving bench and walk right into the GM's office. I ask Walter...."so what's the deal with the grips??"
He goes on to tell me that he could purchase the grips for 4 cents apiece cheaper than from me.....I kinda get aggitated with this! I say...."so, after all our time working together you don't think you should have called me and told me you could get them cheaper? and that I wouldn't be given the chance to meet or beat the price?" ....I would have beat the price.
Then comes.....
The famous quote......I will never forget! he said....."We want to be the Walmart of the tattoo industry"
My response was...."Well, that is a hell of a thing to aspire to!"......and walked out.

The end.

Want to talk about "off subject?"

Quote Originally Posted by OwlsDen View Post
I know it is off topic, but I would love to hear that story of that machine you designed and built for some company. I assume I know exactly which one that is. Ironicly enough I almost bought that machine when I first started an apprenticeship back in the 90s. I could be wrong.