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    Senior Member bluerocker's Avatar
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    paulo cruzes rotaries

    hey, i know some of you guys on here are not entirely happy with the new line of rotaries coming on to the scene from paulo, but besides your opinions on the design and paulo himself (personally i chat with him quite a bit and he seems like a very pleasant professional man) i would like to take a few minutes just to say that the rotary from him, is all round class.

    i have the machine for what now, lil under a month, and im using it daily for every part, lining, packing, blending, shading, this machine does the lot. The hit is very adjustable to suit any need, the motor is quiet, strong and powerful, balance in my opinion couldnt be better, it is ultra light, very well built with quality parts, options of personalising with inscribing on the frame, i just cant fault it.

    now while the design many may have seen and been some what offended by, i think everyones entitled to their own opinion and whilst many people will look upon something of this nature with disgust, my advice would be to look into the history of such like issues and decide for ones self. i find to many people in this industry are too quick to judge, bad mouth and slag off something/people because maybe they dont fully understand whats trying to be achieved maybe?
    in the short term in the game, i have met some real arseholes, people who are all to ready to scream from hill tops all sorts of shit, cos they picture themselves on some platform that no other can reach or attain a similar level, and whilst those who are simply trying to progress in a new or similar direction, i think its a little harsh to be branding someone or something simply because they are trying to better themselves, products and their career.

    i dont know hardly any of you guys on here, and ya can read this and disregard it all, call names etc, it really doesnt bother me, all im saying is i have read and heard what people are saying about him and the machines, and whilst again ill say your all totally entitled to your opinions, my advice for whats its worth is maybe try the machine then judge??

    i recently spoke to paulo and he is developing new lines of rotaries at present, and will be opening a new website in which machines and all parts will be readily available. Me, all i can see is a guy trying something new to his regular line of work and offering a very good product and service with it, and working to be the best he can, whats the harm in that?
    Last edited by bluerocker; 02-01-2012 at 10:12 AM.

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