Quote Originally Posted by gangstajay View Post
wow..for real alie.thats good info. but I really try to buy from the people on this site..and support them nice people on this site! I mean that..Iam really loving the neo tat. I will buy another and some of the artist in my area know Iam using rotarys and now there coming around asking me all kind of shit about them... I sent 2 of them the link for here, also the builder of those bling machine tool and die.. I told him about the site.

I'm not sure where Paolini machines are ACTUALLY being made. Perhaps they've stepped up their manufacturing quality recently (?), but the ones I have from 5 years ago were balls. The guy I apprenticed under would get discounts from the local supplier that carried them, so I ended up with a few. Nothing lined up. The a-bars were over too far one direction, the coils didn't line up underneath it... they were just BAD. Even the coils looked like junky plastic bobbin Chinese crap. I guess that's what happens when you have underage kids drilling out your frames?

They all just sit and collect dust in a shoebox now.