View Full Version : Hello, I'm new...

11-06-2013, 07:20 PM

I've been creeping the forum for a bit now and I've been using Rotaries for over a year.. I was biased against them for a long time until I went to guest at Lucas Ford's shop, Classic Tattoo in Red Deer Alberta. He turned me on to Kubin the Mini Cranker, which I used with great satisfaction for most of last year. I found it interesting that he really dug the rotaries, and he had few biases against non coil machines and even when he makes exceptional coil machines himself.

Since then I've been enjoying a Shagbuilt D20 for B&G, a Blitz For lining/B&G, and my Kubin Mini Crankers for lining and Color packing. I use them along side my other assorted relay machines I've collected over the years...

Hope that isn't too much blab for an intro. I enjoy the forum!

Chris Stans
Rebel Waltz Tattoo
Winnipeg MB

11-06-2013, 07:45 PM
welcome Chris!

11-06-2013, 08:30 PM
I'm pretty fresh here myself, this is be far the best forum I've came across to date and I lurked for a bit before joining up too.
welcome Chris

11-07-2013, 02:04 AM
Welcome to the forum, man!

11-07-2013, 04:52 AM
i agree with ftw this is the best forum by far, not just for the rotarys but for tattooing in general, welcome matey

11-12-2013, 12:51 PM
Thank you!