View Full Version : flite v2.1 noise

06-25-2015, 06:12 PM
i bought 3 flites this week and one off them is very noisy the set up from all 3 is the same 4mm stroke medium bar 12v like i tattoo with them

so here are the video's off them from quiet to loud
is this normal if not can it be solved?

<span class="_5yl5" data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0. 0.0.0"><span data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0.">

<span class="_5yl5" data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0. 0.0.0"><span data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0.">

<span class="_5yl5" data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0. 0.0.0"><span data-reactid=".1d.$mid=11435227758970=2987f544a275766ea94.2:0.0.">

06-25-2015, 06:20 PM
I think it is the drive bar. I have used a few of the bars on other machines and if they get a little loose they can rattle the sides of the tube.

If you can't fix it, I have an HM direct drive I would trade for it.

06-25-2015, 08:06 PM
It says in the info to never run the machines unloaded. They defiantly run loud without a cart in it.

It could be the white plastic spacer on the bar fits really loose in the grip of the loud machine too.... try swaping the grip and or bar and see if it runs more quietly.

06-25-2015, 09:52 PM
looks like the drive bar being slapped around like a 2 dolla hoe....making all that racket

06-25-2015, 11:45 PM
A tiny loose rubber band may help with that, they have hooks on the side of the machine for the band.

06-29-2015, 06:19 PM
Try backing your cam out (away from the motor a tiny little bit) and then tightening it,,, I'm pretty positive that's the issue. Lemme know if that worx.