View Full Version : The Centri Auroras are now available.

11-05-2016, 02:37 AM
Thanks for looking!30195

11-29-2016, 08:07 PM
I just bought the bishop cables yesterday, damn it. I'll catch one next time.

11-30-2016, 09:20 AM
Best RCA cable I've used to date. Been running Bishops RCA for the past year and the Aurora feels like it's even another step up. The LED light is an awesome idea as well, knowing that you're not running your motor backwards is a plus and actually helped me troubleshoot a problem I was having. I ordered a standard, no frills power supply from Uni-max and noticed that my machines were running just a tad weird, like just enough to where I noticed something was strange. I got the Centri cord and plugged it into the supply and BAM!! No led light came on in the Centri cord so I rewired the power supply and works like a charm now!!

11-30-2016, 12:26 PM
yea i was happy with the outcome of my cord just by the looks and feel then i realized how much a tool or trouble shooter it was just by having the LED included in the current flow though the cable. I use to get 2 emails a day saying that the light on their cobra never worked out of the box. I know for fact i tested them, Then i realized 75% of the RCA cords people are selling are crossed. I could not believe people would just solder and not even pay attention till my lights brought to attention the lack of attention in most of the industries products. It was a eye opener for those who didnt know they were running their machines backwards. Glad your happy with it and glad you were able to fix that power supply to its proper state. You know what they say, We get what we pay for... Most of the time lol.

11-30-2016, 12:58 PM
that is pretty awesome, never even thought about rca cords being cross wired man!

Jesse Phillips
11-30-2016, 02:17 PM
I always used my old rca wired direct drive running slow to test my new cords on. Counter clockwise and its all good. But I want one of the auroras for the curb appeal!! That light might attract prey