View Full Version : Spektra edge x problem

11-27-2016, 06:13 AM
Anyone had this problem???Pretty annoyed,machine is just one year old,in just 2 days the noise has gone from bad to worse.Machine was treated with really good care.


11-27-2016, 06:37 AM
Motors gone by the sounds of it.. ive heard motors do that sound before. Even my old 3m sencil maker made that sound i lubed the bear and it was good after that.. but you cant lube the bearings in the that motor.. i would take apart and make sure everything is lubed how it should be then see. If it still makes the noise then swap out the motor bolt if you have another. You could spin up the motor bolt out side of the body to see if it makes the noise with no tension!! But i think its the motor.

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11-27-2016, 07:28 AM
Not sure,thinking in paying a visit to the supplier to see if they have a spare motor to i can use to check before i send the machine to USA,i'm based in UK,i don't think i'll have the machine back before 3 weeks at least,gutted because i love that machine.

Bully Jey
11-27-2016, 08:11 AM
I have the same problem with my edge x. I don't think it's the motor. I have a direkt motorbolt, and a spare motorbolt, both in perfect condition, and when I plugged them into the edge x, I got the same noise- likewise, the motorbolt that came with the edge x works perfect in the direkt. What I think is the problem is a design flaw in the edge series of machines themselves. The housing that the slider mechanism is chambered in is pressure fitted to also doubles at the other end as the collet vise( where you put your tube) Too much pressure while twist the collet vise tight slightly rotates the whole housing out of place, which knocks the slider out of place and out of perfect alignment with the cam.

11-27-2016, 09:13 AM
Bad news then,yeah,sounds like something like that happened,did you send it to fix it/??How long took them to send it back?Just sold my back up machines to buy more cartridge machines and now this....:mad:

Bully Jey
11-27-2016, 06:58 PM
I did not sent it back. Listen, I'm by no means a genius or an expert, but when I got my edge x and it was brand new, it ran flawlessly. After a few weeks of use, the collet became worn in and the vise required a little extra force to clamp all the way down. And that's when the noise started. You can test it if you don't believe me. Load up your edge x, plug it in and run it while giving the vise a little bit extra force when twisting; you'll hear it clatter even louder. Twist the "housing" the opposite direction and the flattery sound smooths out. The only permanent solution I can think of is to install a set screw for between the housing and frame, I have not tried this nor do I know for 100% if this would work.

11-30-2016, 04:23 AM
Thaks Bully,I think i'll send it back,I'm not very good playing with tools,i don't want to mess with the machine,hopefully will not take so long as replying their emails,haha

12-08-2016, 03:57 PM
I second that customer service very disappointing ������

12-09-2016, 06:08 AM
i hat the same issue with a new arctic edgex -i try it with a other motor and than looks on my venom p2 -thats have a analyzer built in. The issue was the big bearing with the hex. I found metall Shavings on some edges and the bearing was not running smooth.Because this the motor gets stress and change sound and power. I could send it back to killerink and have get my money back.