View Full Version : IPowerWatch Wireless footswitch hack

06-17-2017, 03:37 PM
Hey guys if your not familaiar with Ipowerwatch its a powersupply you wear on your wrist to make virtually wire free. One thing I do not like however is holding down the power button for a few seconds everytime i need to dip, I found this on Instagram 3046530466 So he spliced the receiver into the main wire, theres no explanation on there as how to do it and I dont want to ruin any cords. Can anyone help me figure this out. I was also thinking maybe adding one of those off\on switches people use on their power supplies could also work and may be even easier to use.

Jesse Phillips
06-17-2017, 07:46 PM
Why do you need to turn it off whenever you dip?

06-17-2017, 08:57 PM
Personally I prefer to turn off my machines when I dip, I don't like to take the risk of my needle hitting the rim or bottom of my ink cap... I have one as well and I would love to know more about this. The 4 seconds that it takes to turn the machine off really throws me off.

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06-18-2017, 01:14 AM
I can dip with my machine running but i often use the small caps as not to waste ink so its a little more difficult plus taking a moment to look at what im doing with a slight pause makes this a more comfortable work setup for me.

07-08-2017, 03:31 PM
So this is what I did, I spliced an on/off toggle switch to the main cord and added a magnetic adapter so i can dissconnect/reconnect at any time without touching the cord. It does lose a little power this way, i need better quality cords to optimize this setup but it is far better this way. I am going to experiment with adding a wireless rf switch to it but for now this is a workable setup http://i64.tinypic.com/qno014.jpg