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View Full Version : Drawings to introduce myself...

Cabal Tattoo
10-18-2011, 09:08 AM
Here are a couple of drawings to introduce myself.

My son and ''American Werewolf In London'' are my first attempts at portraits.

Cabal Tattoo
01-23-2013, 03:38 PM
Some other drawings...

01-23-2013, 05:54 PM
Again... get some reference. The scorpions legs are too shot (may be missing a section). The claw is just wrong, too thick and the rose leaves do not look like leaves.

The guy smoking's hands and foot are BUSTED, arms are too long and he has no neck.

The werewolf has some decent things goign on that are ruined by the shape of the non existent brow and the fact that eye isnt frowning.
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkXC-ksn_Fr7LbHJy1Ksn2zEpAhgN4SRPuztEfAt_SVZa6kwXfU78P3 KXg

But they suffer from the same issues. Eyes are not lined up - nose is off center as is the mouth on "elliot"

You obviously tried to hide one hand on the girl, her boobs look like a bad boob job. The wings do not look connected - the gap on the left side between her arm and her body should have feathers in them (like the other side does), one shoulder is MUCH higher up on one side thank the other.


Human anatomy can be really hard, trust me I know its one of my weakest points in drawing, which is why I have 20 + anatomy and human form books.

Scentless Apprentice
01-23-2013, 06:05 PM
You REALLY need to work on the basics, and take criticism on board. Everything here is extremely flat, there needs to be more contrast, more mids, more everything. You really need to work on smooth shading, remember, if you can't do it on paper, chances are you aren't going to be able to do it in skin. If you really want to tattoo (as opposed to scratch) go and look at the masters of each style, and compare their work with yours. Go and look at Bob Tyrell, Carl Grace, Matt Jordan, Victor Portugal, Jason Butcher etc.

Draw, draw, draw. If you want to keep up with the pack, you'll need to step it up.

Cabal Tattoo
01-23-2013, 07:18 PM
Working hard on all of that, thanks. Just took a seminar with Bob Tyrell ladt summer...!:;

Cabal Tattoo
01-23-2013, 07:21 PM
As you can see in my post, these were my first attempts at portraits, seen better and seen worst... Thanks guys...!