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View Full Version : First thoughts on Ego rotary from Bez

12-17-2012, 05:56 AM
Okay so I got my Ego rotary by Bez in a trade the other day and heres my thoughts so far:

The machine arrived with a black (hardest) insert on the bottom and Red (med-hard) on top ... so far this is all ive used it with so am looking forward to playing around with different amounts of "give" on the machine.

The machine is super light and after being a hawk user for a while before getting back into my coils recently, I realised that I had missed how comfortable it is to use a light machine ... very hand and wrist friendly!

I used it first off for a bit of linework on an anime piece using a 14Xtight liner ... I know that colour packing and shading are usually a given with most rotaries i've tried thus far so powerlining is usually my first test of what a machine can do... The lines went in solid and mostly single pass ... I noticed the give of the machine instantly and it actually felt quite coil like which I liked!
After the linework I did a little work with a 7mag ... as expected it puts colour in like a beast

I've since used it with a 5rl and this is where I think this machine may be underrated by some... but it puts in finelines like nobodys business!

A quick list of pros and cons:

Pro's : very wrist/hand friendly and lightweight (if ya like that sorta thing), top mounted rca is comfortable, has a very coil like feel, very versatile machine (lines, shades and packs well)

Cons: Vice screw spins when tightening (tbh its a snug fit anyway and a finger on the screw when tightening is simple solution) , almost as loud as coils but the sound is much more annoying!

12-17-2012, 07:52 AM
Shame about the noise. I had been interested in this machine. I don't need another noisy machine. No way to make it quieter?