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View Full Version : Mad March Meet.

01-22-2013, 09:32 PM
Myself and Ian (Mr Budge), were talking about having a get-together, nothing serious, just talking shit and swapping ideas, it's not a Convention, just a group of us all "going on the Beer" for a Day or two in Blackpool in March...We picked Blackpool, cos it is pretty central and easy to get to..If any one is interested lemme know...It is just an idea, but if I get an idea of numbers then I can sort the details out..Probs looking at any Saturday in March, head down on the Sat, overnight stay and back up on the Sun.....It doesn't matter if you are in a Shop, or an Apprentice, all we ask is you have respect for this Craft..Lets us all see the faces behind the icons..

01-22-2013, 11:30 PM
Sounds amazing! Please take some photos so I can pretend I was there, ha!