View Full Version : sup folks ? just got my first rotary tattoo machine!!!!!

02-23-2013, 04:34 AM
super stoked! i just got my cheyenne hawk thunder today. its my first rotary . already tattooed with it , and i love it .

02-23-2013, 04:56 AM
oh yeah. ever see those "cheyene hawk" rip offs for sale and wondered if they are straight up crap or if they would be comparable to a legit hawk?
well i did . so i bought some from a shady seller from china through a company called DH gate. the seller had pictures of hawk spirits from cheyenne with the c logo stamped into the front and every thing looked EXACTLY like the real deal. 3 bills for two machines a power supply and foot switch. now , i should have known better but i bought them any way, because there was a clause in witch DH gate would give me a refund if i didn't get EXACTLY what was pictured. this was not the case. they were rinky dink little cheap made pieces of junk. i got no refund. it cost me three bills to learn this lesson and i got off dirt cheap. tonight when i finally got to unwrap my machine i could see what real quality these tools are. dont be fooled by knock offs hawk neddle cartridges wont fit them, or t tech, the grips cant be switched with a hawk, and the power supply wont run a real hawk. and you dont know any thing about the needle cartridges that will fit them . so there is no since in "checking it out".

02-23-2013, 05:17 AM
Well.. they sure know how to make them look genuine.. but to make them run truly genuine aint their strong suit :)

Go with the real deal. Always. Worth that extra buck.