View Full Version : Hyper v3 hitting hard

02-25-2013, 07:03 AM
Hey everyone, I've just been a lurker on here until one question has been bugging me since the day I bought the v3. I've got a v2 and love how quiet, low vibrating and smooth it feels, in fact at one point I had two of them I liked them so much. Anyway I was really excited upon the arrival of a v3 and bought one immediately only to discover it was a completely different animal to my beloved v2.

I found the v3 to be abit of a brute compared with the v2 and my favourite dragonfly s/s and since stigma stated that it is the softest hit of all I was thinking that maybe my machine just needed some 'breaking in time'. The months have passed and I've lubed the machine, used it for lining, colour and some b&g with big mags and it still has a pretty hard hit compared to the others that I named.

I really like the machine and find it to be a good little all rounder but this one niggle has really been at the back of my mind when going to chose a machine for some soft looking black and grey. I pretty much use the df s/s for all my b&g but it bugs me that I should be using the v3 with supposedly the softest hit of all.

btw I have the screw turned back so it's on it's softest setting and when I press my thumb on the grommet (machine running) it takes quite a lot of pressure to make the needles 'give' a little.
anyone else had this issue and is there anything I can do to make it better?
sorry for the long post but I thought I'd explain the best I could! Cheers.

peter clements
02-25-2013, 07:30 AM
Interesting post this. I had a V2 and liked it, then sold it on,so was curious about the V3 ,so it'll be interesting to see what others say. Currently I own no Rotary with a swash style system,but I may be tempted to try the new Swashdrive V8.

02-25-2013, 07:49 AM
I'm yet to try the v3 but find the v2 very soft

02-25-2013, 09:41 AM
Change the spring for one of a smaller wire gauge.

02-25-2013, 02:29 PM
I have been under the impression that the V3 has a faster motor in it.

02-25-2013, 02:37 PM
Their is a few things you can do to the v3 to help it hit softer.. Cut the spring Down, remove the o ring or use super squishy grommets

02-25-2013, 03:24 PM
Thanks guys, I did buy the super soft donut grommets the only problem being was a lot of dust for whatever reason coming from them as the machine seems to chew them up abit, my guess it being something to do with the swash motion? Anyway il try and play around with the spring first before any chopping commences! Thanks for all your prompt advice.

02-25-2013, 03:33 PM
Thanks guys, I did buy the super soft donut grommets the only problem being was a lot of dust for whatever reason coming from them as the machine seems to chew them up abit, my guess it being something to do with the swash motion? Anyway il try and play around with the spring first before any chopping commences! Thanks for all your prompt advice. I don't know exactly how you set things up but, if you put the grommet in the needle bar w/out bending the loop on the needle bar then put it on the machine, it doesn't allow for any play in between the grommet & the needle bar.

02-25-2013, 03:40 PM
My v3 hits plenty soft right out of the box.

02-25-2013, 03:52 PM
Adjust your give out a little and silicon tubing will take care of dust an grommet eating. Also like mentioned if its still too beastly swap the spring for a thinner gauge. She has the range of very soft to DD hard. Just gotta play with her a little and she will give up her sweet spot for you lol. Mick-

02-25-2013, 03:54 PM
You can also open e loop of your needle bar, allowing more play.

02-25-2013, 04:04 PM
Hi Gasghostrider, this is Artemis from Stigma , maybe there is something wrong with the control screw or with the inner spring i am not sure so give me you shipping address and i will send you a new one so you can replace it.
If everything works fine then the v3 is really soft softer than the v2. The motor is the same as in the v2. To get it hit soft you need to unscrew the control screw about 3 turns and work it at 7~ 8 volts,
to run it at low speeds for shading is very important otherways the needle gets to much force ( not good for shading ).

02-26-2013, 04:16 AM
Ok so no needle bar bending? I'm back in work today so I'm going to be hunting for that sweet spot all day if it kills me!

02-26-2013, 04:24 AM
Thanks a lot Artemis, that's a very kind offer and really appreciated. Il try out a few things today and as a last resort il contact you if I can't solve my problem. Thanks again.

02-26-2013, 09:27 AM
Ok so no needle bar bending? I'm back in work today so I'm going to be hunting for that sweet spot all day if it kills me! I was saying not to bend the needle bar to take care of your grommet shredding problem. Like what's already been said, silicone tubing might help softer things up a little & the silicone won't shred either.

02-26-2013, 02:01 PM
Ok so today I think I figured out my problem, I unscrewed completely the give screw (with an Allen key) and the spring pinged off, put it back on the machine and screwed the give screw back on and to my surprise I had a real soft hitting machine! Now I feel pretty stupid that this is all that the problem was. It seemed the spring wasn't sitting right for whatever reason and as soon as its gone back on properly it's running perfectly. I can't believe I didn't try that sooner, I think I was expecting something more complicated.
i tattooed a black and grey piece and was pretty happy with the results and softness. It definitely made me speed up compared to when I use the dragonfly which is great because I tattoo really slow usually!
Thanks to all your comments and advice, at least now I know if I have a problem in future I just need to look for the simplest problem first or just ask you guys!