Hello and thank you for allowing me to join your forum. Thanks Andrewc for informing my wife about this site. I have yet to join any machine forums soly to keep my mouth shut and not excite you guys about my rotary ive been keeping top secret till its birth.

If you anyone has any questions that i can answer feel free to ask. Im sure if you go the Centri's web site and take a look around you will think ya right this is just a bunch of solidworks imaging and bogus talk. Well i can tell you now, this is no joke. There are 10 in existance and are being used by our southern california's top artist, " i cant name any names yet" unfortunalty untill i have there video testimonials on my website. I will be at Ink&Iron Sat June 11th, If your there and wish to check it out, look for someone with a Centri Shirt on. I wont have a booth or be working a booth, im basically taking the Centri to every booth and video recording there expressions when they feel this Rotary in action. I should have the videos up by the end of the month. I will answer your questions as soon as possible, thanks again. Love this forum by the way!!!