I took a long time to read through here from the beginning today and this thread is a train wreck!

There are multiple discussions (some arguments) happening here with the majority having little to do with the actual product that was first mentioned here. I am going to close this for now as Cyberitual is still in the process of just getting pre orders and production done for this machine so it can legitimately be released, placed in the hands of those who want to use it and post reviews where you can then ask multiple people who paid for it if they think it was worth it. If you want to have arguments over whether something that is X amount of dollars is worth it vs. something that is less is you will never settle the argument. Its like an argument between a tattooer who uses coils only vs one that has exclusively switched to rotary or pneumatic its all in the hands of who is using it how they make it work for them.

I don't want this to turn in to an SEO nightmare for this site or for the Cenri machine. If you have issues with my actions please send me a PM I am happy to discuss this but please make sure you have read the entire thread before you do.