My only experience with rotary machines thus far is one of the first workhorse ones and I kinda go back and forth as to how I feel about it. Sometimes its love and sometimes its disdain ( it seems like from time to time the motor is going out, after having it replaced once already, and doesn't have a smooth flow to the power). At any rate after using it I can definitely see the advantages that rotary machines have to offer and I feel I have finally decided on a NeoTat vivace as my second rotary to grow with.

I understand that it comes in three different strokes and I have read the description of them but I was wanting a little user feed back. First off I am wanting it for a smooth blending machine. I am not interested in lining with it and I'm not interested in packing solid colour like that of a tribal or some other large solid field of colour. I would like to do smooth transitions of colour first, and if possible gray scale secondly as my priorities. If one of those three strokes can accomplish both then that is great, but I'm more interested in the smooth colour blend because I feel my relay machine (seth ciferri wiener dog) already gives me very good results for gray.

I appreciate the time anyone of you take to read over this and even more so if you could give me an experienced response. Honestly I don't fully understand the concept of what makes a good rotary or what to look for for the desired effect like I do with my more advanced knowledge of relay machines so I could really use some help. Thank you very much in advance.