Got mine 2 weeks ago, and like it alot. Probably done ALL shading since with it. I run it a bit faster 3,4(color) 3,6-4,2(grey), but thats what i do with any machine. My alltime fave coilshader was a cutback liner.
Even thou, not my first rotary, this was the one machine who made me start liking rotaries. I can work almost as with a coilmachine, but faster. Singlepass shading is something i earlier only dreamed about, now its reality. Better raise the hour rate.
Only downside, its low volts. I will never stop using coilmachines for lines(it would take the fun out of it), and those are around 8-9 volts, and i always forget.
A tip, to stop your grommet from being eaten into the "house" put a plastic or brass washer between.

Last, Dale seems to be a great guy, no attitude, just worlds best rotaries for a great price.