Hey guys, I know i have been in my cave and not posting much about anything on here. Sorry for that, i have been Super busy with the Centri and my overwhelming personal life and issues. But i have some fun news to share with you. TONIGHT I will be on TATTOO TITANS duking it out with 3 other tattoo artist for $10,000 and title of TATTOO TITAN. It will be on CMT "country music channel" at 11:00pm or 8PM depending on your provider. If you have the time you should check it out. I will be taking the Centri as of course my weapon of choice! I havent seen any footage yet but im hoping they will show alittle of it and its performace. Now as for the Centri 2, i know there is alot of you wondering WTF is going on with them. Here are some photos of the new one compared to the 1. The light is not present in these photos as we are still in redesigning of its workings. At this time this is pretty much all i can release to you guys. BUT I PROMISE THIS, they are coming!