Hi, I'm Morag , working at purple rose tattoo parlour in bristol uk, been lurking a week or so, this is a great forum! I joined mainly as looking to upgrade, I currently have four rotaries, but the only one I really love is my neotat 2.5 which I use for colour, I like my hyper v1 and stigma voodoo for soft shading on small pieces but more often than not prefer my sunskin coil for shading, especially larger pieces and I'm starting to really feel the strain on my hand recently with the weight.
I've also started to use t-tech cartridges, these work great with my neotat but I don't like to shade with it, or line. So I'd love to find an allrounder or at least something that can handle colour packing and soft shading well. Anyway cheers and see you on the forums