I'm sure they will get u sorted they always seem to in the end but its just become a constant fuck around for the last year or so it seems . sorry to hear your machine doesn't run the way you expected that was my exact experience and when I pay top dollar for a machine I sort of expect it to be problem free . I also don't like paying for a upgrade a couple months later . my halo 1 give knob would turn on its own and adjust itself and vibrate a lot above 8.5 to 9 volts too much to make the needle really steady at high speed . I was pretty annoyed I spent 500 bucks on a machine with a self adjusting give knob that give me needle wobble while lining fast . then told I need a power slider a couple months later . then I get edge x down the road and the give did not go very soft at all not like the video showed. Coworker had his 2 break the slide cover and also the give knob. Owned a few direkts and 3 of there coils but they have all left my studio for good now