i currently use a MAXON motor for my ROTARY 5 WATT power, pretty happy with him, i sty test few different model from MABUCHI, and some are good, before i always scared to use this kind of motors becouse they common cheap motor, but some model work pretty cool, im very surprise about this

for my opinion the big size motor, with more than 5 WATT power they very strong, the problem is the size, much more bigger respect MAXON, this is the big problem, my rotary have STY-UP SPRING, so need more power or the motor don survive so long, i don like ROTARY machine when the needle stop outside tube, i don think is good idea, is retard for me, but are much more easy to build of course, and is possible use smaller motor with less power

is also true that small size motor from MAXON are very delicate, to much performance for the size, is like a small CAR ENGINE with lot of HP, don go to far...

some of u guys know exactly the model of MABUCHI used on NEO-TAT, would like to test also this one, maybe is already some of the one i sty test now, im not sure

i sty test also some NICHIBO motor from TAIWAN, same as MABUCHI, they good when is big size and more than 5 WATT, also some CITIZEN MICRO from JAPAN ,very good... one NAMIKI from JAPAN, awesome staff but very expencive and i have also a PORTESCAP motor, 23 mm diameter, amazing motor but so fucking expencive...

im waiting also from a GERMAN motor name GRAUPNER, look good, but they made in CHINA or TAIWAN 100%, but maybe they work good