I’ve been away for a few days working on projects for the better of our community and have not had time to chat on the forum, and I get on and see….. what I missed….

“besides the weight difference and the look the bishop seems to have an entirely different feel to the skin than the neotat.. i heard the spring set up and strength is very different and the hit is exactly in between hard and soft….”

Has he used a bishop machine, or is this just what he has heard?

“….my neotat hits way way too hard and i have to slow it down to not rip the skin.”

How fast and hard is he running the NeoTat to rip up skin?

“….alsothe bishop is made by a tattooer in which i fully respect to the fullest.”

A design that was copied by a tattooer who then changed the appearance of the design to then call his own.

“why would i want to support some company that is in it for the money….”

I would question this statement. The NeoTat was designed by a person who has made tattoo machines and equipment for many years, a person who saw a need to change the way tattooing was done, something that was better for the artist.

Why not make clone machines smaller with less material while using less machine time but charge more money, like say $400.00 or a $350.00 deal?

I am a man who has designed and built many things over my many years of life but I don’t tattoo because I am not an artist….but I have tattooed and I do know how my machines feel. I don’t care if you respect me or not, because I know that I have developed a great product that many people enjoy using…..and now people are copying.
I suggest that this person look at the artists who use my machines and show them respect…..because many of you are damn good. And every one of the artists who use my machines bought machines. I didn’t just give them machines to use with a smile so they could say they use NeoTats. They use them because they like them, not just because it was a freebie.
Enough said…..

I would suggest that the folks at Bishop sharpen their pencils and bring the cost down before the Chinese out do them………

Myself, I’ve got other things to do like refine my new tattoo machines.
